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Practice Guidelines

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About guidelines

Practice guidelines are a project of the Watch Health Care Foundation (, which aim is to collect and present on the website actual, high quality, evidence-based scientific standards and guidelines in medicine (practice standards, practice guidelines, clinical practice guidelines /CPGs/, evidence-based practice guidelines).

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Liczba znalezionych wytycznych: 25

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Guidelines details

Postępowanie w przypadku samookaleczeń

(eng. Self-harm: longer-term management)

Field of medicine: psychiatry
Date of publication: 2011
Institution: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)

Wytyczne dotyczące leczenia pacjentów z ciężkimi zaburzeniami depresyjnymi

(eng. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients With Major Depressive Disorder)

Field of medicine: psychiatry, neurology
Date of publication: 2010
Institution: American Psychiatric Association

Bezsenność, parasomnie i zaburzenia rytmu okołodobowego – leczenie zgodne z zasadami EBM. Stanowisko British Association for Psychopharmacology

(eng. British Association for Psychopharmacology consensus statement on evidence-based treatment of insomnia, parasomnias and circadian rhythm disorders)

Field of medicine: psychiatry, neurology
Date of publication: 2010
Institution: British Association for Psychopharmacology

Zespół majaczeniowy: diagnoza, zapobieganie i postępowanie lecznicze

(eng. Delirium: diagnosis, prevention and management)

Field of medicine: psychiatry
Date of publication: 2010
Institution: National Clinical Guidelines Centre (NCGC)

Niefarmakologiczne postępowanie w przypadku wystąpienia depresji u osób dorosłych

(eng. Non-pharmaceutical management of depression in adults)

Field of medicine: psychiatry, neurology
Date of publication: 2010
Institution: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)

Wytyczne dotyczące leczenia depresji u dorosłych z przewlekłymi problemami zdrowotnymi

(eng. Depression in adults with a chronic physical health problems)

Field of medicine: neurology, psychiatry
Date of publication: 2010
Institution: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
