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Practice Guidelines

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About guidelines

Practice guidelines are a project of the Watch Health Care Foundation (, which aim is to collect and present on the website actual, high quality, evidence-based scientific standards and guidelines in medicine (practice standards, practice guidelines, clinical practice guidelines /CPGs/, evidence-based practice guidelines).

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Liczba znalezionych wytycznych: 26

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Guidelines details

Wytyczne American College of Radiology oraz Society for Pediatric Radiology dotyczące wykonywania radiografii skoliozy u dzieci

(eng. ACR–SPR practice guideline for the performance of radiography for scoliosis in children)

Field of medicine: radiology and diagnostic imaging, pediatrics
Date of publication: 2009
Institution: American College of Radiology/ Societyn for Pediatric Radiology

Wytyczne dotyczące wykonywania neurosonografii u noworodków i niemowląt

(eng. ACR–AIUM–SPR–SRU practice guideline for the performance of neurosonography in neonates and infants)

Field of medicine: neonatology, radiology and diagnostic imaging
Date of publication: 2009
Institution: American College of Radiology/ American Institute of Ultrasound In Medicine/ Society for Pediatric Radiology/ Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound

Wytyczne American Cancer Society i American College of Radiology dotyczące badań przesiewowych i nadzoru nad wczesnym wykrywaniem raka jelita grubego i polipów gruczolakowatych

(eng. Screening and Surveillance for the Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer and Adenomatous Polyps, 2008: A Joint Guideline from the American Cancer Society, the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer, and the American College of Radiology)

Field of medicine: oncology, radiology and diagnostic imaging
Date of publication: 2008
Institution: American Cancer Society/ American College of Radiology

Wytyczne dotyczące wykonywania tomografii komputerowej u dzieci

(eng. ACR–SPR practice guideline for the performance of pediatric computed tomography (CT))

Field of medicine: radiology and diagnostic imaging, pediatrics
Date of publication: 2008
Institution: American College of Radiology/Society for Pediatric Radiology

Wytyczne American College of Radiology dotyczące narażenia kobiet w ciąży i nastolatek w ciąży na działanie promieniowania jonizującego

(eng. American College of Radiology practice guideline for imaging pregnant or potentially pregnant adolescents and women with ionizing radiation)

Field of medicine: radiology and diagnostic imaging
Date of publication: 2008
Institution: American College of Radiology
