Innovations in the treatment of advanced Parkinson’s disease – the evaluation of the access in Poland
Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Ks.Trojdena 4 Street in WarsawWarsaw -
Innovations in prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism
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Palliative care and hospice care, innovations in treatment of chronic wounds and the treatment of pain
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Innovations in neonatology- evaluation of the access in Poland
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Innovations in dermatology- evaluation of the access in Poland
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Innovations in treatment and diagnosis of pain- evaluation of the access in Poland
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Innovations in urology – evaluation of access in Poland
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Innovations in treatment of infertility – evaluation of the access in Poland
Ks. Trojdena 4 Street, WarsawThe seminar took place on June 26th 2013 in Warsaw (the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Ks. Trojdena Street 4). The primary target of the Seminarwas pointing out the barriers in Poland in access to innovative methods used in infertility treatment and discussion about ways to improve the access to deficient medical technologies in a health care system. Participation in the Seminar is free of charge. Program of the Seminar embraced four parts: Part 1: Challenges for the reproductive medicine […]
“Innovations in the treatment of rare diseases, orphan drugs – evaluation of their access in Poland”
Golden Floor Plaza, al. Jerozolimskie 123A, WarsawThe primary target of the Seminar is pointing out the barriers in Poland in access to medical technologies used in rare and ultra rare diseases treatment and discussion about ways to improve this condition. We invited to participate in the Seminar doctors of different specializations (clinical doctors as well as scientists interested in Seminar topics and especially doctors specialized in treatment of rare diseases). The event was dedicated as well as to representatives of the Ministry of Health, the National […]
„Innovations in tumors of men genitourinary system treatment – evaluation of access in Poland”
Ks. Trojdena 4 Street, WarsawOn 22nd of April in Warsaw there was an educational Seminar titled: „Innovations in tumors of men genitourinary system treatment – evaluation of access in Poland”. The primary target of the Seminar was pointing out the barriers in Poland in access to medical technologies used in men genitourinary system treatment and discussion about ways to improve this condition. The event was dedicated as well to representatives of the Ministry of Health, the National Health Fund, the Health Technology Assessment Organization, […]
Innovations in oncology with particular emphasis on systemic change and the evaluation of the access in Poland
Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Ks.Trojdena 4 Street in Warsaw