Inform us about wait times for Health Care

Board of Directors

Tomasz Pęcherz

President of the Watch Health Care Foundation Board of Directors

Tomasz Pęcherz

An attorney at law, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. He received a judge application at the Court of Appeal in Cracow, and since 2005 he has been a solicitor. He is a lecturer in the law of health insurance for postgraduate studies conducted by the Jagiellonian University. He also teaches the medical law and the health insurance law at the Higher School of Economics and Computer Science in Cracow and at the School of Management and Banking. He is an expert at the Malopolska Institute of Local Government and Administration in Cracow. In the years 1999 – 2002 he worked in the Malopolska Regional Health Maintenance Organization in Cracow as the Director of the Organizational and Legal Department. Currently, he is a co-owner of the law firm “Piotrowska & Partners” GPs. in Cracow and the attorney of law at the Local Medical Chamber in Cracow. Co-author and editor of “Commentary on the Law of common health insurance and its implementing rules” published by Wydawnictwo Prawniczy, and the author of articles, monographs and studies on topics of broad public duties. He specializes in issues related to law and medical law, health insurance, personal data protection and the rights of non-material goods.

Jacek Siwiec

Vice President of the Watch Health Care Foundation Board of Directors


Sociologist; has over 10 years of professional experience in government institutions and private areas: Health Technology Assessment (HTA), Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) , Total Quality Management (TQM), health indicators, measuring the quality of life (QoL) and customer satisfaction; collaborated with international institutions such as the WHO ( Agenda HEN ) EUnetHTA, HTAi and universities; He led dozens of nationwide programs of social and marketing research(the study of attitudes, opinions ), with the preparation of programs of social campaign; He participated in the program of the Ministry of Health, Poland – IDOL and a nationwide pilot program of collecting indicators of medical and preparing for the Data Management; He was a member of the organizing committee of the conference: CMJ “Quality in Healthcare” and the First International Conference HTAi.


Natalia Majcherczyk

Director of the Office of the WHC Foundation 

NM (Kopiowanie)

Graduate of cultural studies at the Jagiellonian University. For many years, linked to the cultural life of Krakow. Collaborated with such festivals as The Divine Comedy, ArtBoom Festival and Body/Mind Festival . Recently linked with the Foundation for the Visual Arts and the Month of Photography festival  in Cracow, where he served as Director of Administration.


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