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Practice Guidelines

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About guidelines

Practice guidelines are a project of the Watch Health Care Foundation (, which aim is to collect and present on the website actual, high quality, evidence-based scientific standards and guidelines in medicine (practice standards, practice guidelines, clinical practice guidelines /CPGs/, evidence-based practice guidelines).

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Guidelines details

Zalecenia Polskiego Towarzystwa Chorób Płuc dotyczące opieki paliatywnej w przewlekłych chorobach płuc

(eng. Recommendations of Polish Respiratory Society for palliative care in chronic lung diseases)

Field of medicine: lung diseases, palliative medicine
Date of publication: 2012
Institution: Polskie Towarzystwo Chorób Płuc

Stosowanie opioidów w opiece paliatywnej: bezpieczne i skuteczne przepisywanie silnych opioidów w leczeniu bólu u dorosłych pacjentów w opiece paliatywnej

(eng. Opioids in palliative care: safe and effective prescribing of strong opioids for pain in palliative care of adults)

Field of medicine: palliative medicine
Date of publication: 2012
Institution: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)

Wytyczne dotyczące leczenia bólu w końcowej fazie życia u dorosłych pacjentów

(eng. General Palliative Care Guidelines for the Management of Pain at the End of Life in Adult Patients)

Field of medicine: palliative medicine
Date of publication: 2011
Institution: Guidelines and Audit Implementation Network (GAIN)

Paliatywna radioterapia klatki piersiowej u chorych na raka płuca

(eng. Palliative thoracic radiotherapy in lung cancer. An American Society for Radiation Oncology evidence-based clinical practice guideline)

Field of medicine: radiation oncology, palliative medicine
Date of publication: 2011
Institution: American Society for Radiation Oncology

Wytyczne American College of Physicians dotyczące postępowania w przypadku bólu, duszności i depresji u pacjentów w końcowej fazie życia

(eng. Evidence-Based Interventions to Improve the Palliative Care of Pain, Dyspnea, and Depression at the End of Life: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians)

Field of medicine: palliative medicine
Date of publication: 2008
Institution: American College of Physicians
